Chennai: Industry body Assocham on Tuesday welcomed Jayalalithaa government`s decision to go ahead with the Rs 13,000-crore Kudankulam nuclear power plant and said steps should be taken to ensure its smooth functioning. "The state government should now ensure smooth functioning of the Rs 13,000-crore project which has been declared safe by an expert committee", Assocham President Rajkumar Dhoot said in a statement. Observing that 40 per cent of India`s households do not have access to electricity, he said nuclear energy has the potential to be "viable" source in future.
Dhoot stressed the need to enhance public awareness activities to address the concerns of local people and to highlight superior safety features built into the Kudankulam reactors.
The Tamil Nadu government yesterday gave the go-ahead to Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant, ending months of impasse that threatened the Indo-Russian venture.