Ahmedabad: Senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader LK Advani said on Saturday that several leaders within the party qualify as potential prime ministers in waiting, indirectly hinting that one of them could be Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi.
Interestingly, Advani, who was himself nominated by the BJP as its candidate for the coveted post in the 2009 general elections, was pipped by current incumbent, Manmohan Singh. In a recent blog, Advani had endorsed Modi`s possible candidature as the party`s nominee for the prime minister`s post in the 2014 general elections, citing a US Congress report.
Urging everyone to refer to his blog to ``gain an insight`` into whom he backed for the coveted role, Advani asserted that many BJP leaders were suitable for the position, given their experience and effective, result-oriented policies.
"I can tell you that the party has several such leaders who can deliver and who have the capacity to discharge any responsibility that the party gives them. So far, this is concerned, there is hardly any doubt. Therefore, I referred to my blog of yesterday," said Advani. A decade after religious riots cast a pall over his career, Modi, one of India`s most popular and pro-business opposition leaders, has sprung back to the centre of the political stage. Many even feel that he might be about to play a greater role in national politics.
Popular for bringing jobs, electricity and better roads to the booming state, Modi is also loved by business leaders and consistently appears in polls as India`s most popular state chief and a top-rated opposition politician.
Modi is presently sitting on a three-day fast in Ahmedabad to promote peace and communal harmony in one of India`s most developed states, which has also witnessed devastating communal riots in the past.