Ranchi: Jharkhand Chief Minister Arjun Munda Friday announced in the assembly that the people who had fought for a separate Jharkhand state would get pension. "The state government will provide pension to people who were involved in the Jharkhand state movement and their dependents will get government jobs. Those who were in jail for more than six months will get Rs 5,000 per month as pension and those who were in jail for less than six months will get Rs 3,000 per month as pension," announced Munda in the house. Munda`s announcement came following the disruption of assembly proceedings by ruling alliance legislators. Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) and All Jharkhand Students Union (AJSU) legislators came to the well when the house began at 10 a.m. demanding pension for those who fought for separate state and jobs for their dependents. The house was adjourned thrice over the issue.
Jharkhand was carved out from Bihar on Nov 15, 2000, to help welfare of the region`s people.