New Delhi: Terming as "sad" Army Chief Gen V K Singh`s age row being dragged to court, BJP on Friday held Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi and the government as a whole responsible for it.
"It is a sad incident...An issue which could have been resolved sitting within closed doors has now been dragged in the open before the public. We hold the Centre, the prime minister and Sonia Gandhi responsible for the incident," said BJP vice president Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi.
He said the issue "raised questions on the functioning and running of the Central government...It is a dangerous thing that even such a row involving the the Army Chief has been dragged into public domain. This is due to the mishandling and wrong policies of the government." Naqvi said it was unfortunate that a small incident was turned into a big controversy and raised a big question mark on the functioning of the Centre. He also alleged that many important files had gone missing in this government, adding that nothing including the Finance Minister`s office was safe in this regime.