Jammu: Flaying the recent hike in petrol prices as "unjustified", the Jammu and Kashmir unit of the BJP on Sunday said it would support the May 31 nationwide bandh call given by the NDA and asked the various state associations to back the move.
"Keeping in view the deteriorating condition of the country and the way the central government is running the affairs, it seems UPA`s sole motive is to weaken the nation", said BJP state president Shamsher Singh Manhas. Manhas alleged that even though the government is importing oil at Rs 49 per litre they are providing it at almost double the rate to the consumers.
The BJP leader said that the increase in fuel prices has a cascading effect on the commodity market, which will further aggravate the problems of the common people, who are already bearing the brunt of high inflation. Manhas asked various state associations, including the Chamber of Commerce and transport unions, to lend support to their bandh call.
He added that the left parties and even some of the UPA allies were also against the hike and wanted the Centre to roll-back the price rise.
On the interlocutors report, Manhas said that the party has already rejected it and informed that the BJP will be holding a nationwide programme from June 23 to July 6 to make the people of the country aware about the implications of this report.