Islamabad: Pakistan Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar Wednesday said NATO forces will no longer be allowed to spill even a single drop of blood of Pakistani citizens and soldiers, adding that "we will no more stay mute over it".

"Enough is enough. The government will not tolerate any incident of spilling of even a single drop of blood of any civilian or soldier," the Online news agency quoted Khar as telling the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs.


"The motive behind the recent reaction is to ensure national security and sovereignty of the country. There will be no compromise on national interest. We will not bow before US pressure," she said. Khar said the decisions to ask the US to vacate the Shamsi air base as well as not to attend the Bonn conference on Afghanistan were final.

"Notice has been sent to the US in connection with vacation of the Shamsi air base. Red lines were violated repeatedly," she said.

"We will no more stay mute over it. If ISAF will not give guarantee of sovereignty of Pakistan, then Pakistan reserves its right to take any decision for the sake of its national interest," she said.

The foreign minister said Islamabad had been playing a "responsible role" for establishment of peace in the region.

She reiterated that Pakistan has made more sacrifices in the war on terror than any other country. "But it does not mean we will compromise on our sovereignty."

"By extending only an apology will not work as not only soldiers were martyred in this incident but Pakistan`s sovereignty was also attacked," she said.

On Nov 26, helicopter gunships of the NATO-led ISAF conducted air strikes on two Pakistani army check-posts resulting in the death of 24 soldiers, and sparking outrage in the country and straining relations with the US. Bureau Report