Washington: The core of al Qaeda leadership, based in Pakistan, might have been crippled but it still retains the the intent and capabilities to strike at the United States, a top White House counter-terrorism official has said.

John Brennan, Assistant to the US President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, said in a speech at the Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, that al Qaeda`s affiliates in places like Pakistan, Yemen, and countries throughout Africa "carry out its murderous agenda".


Moreover, adherents of al Qaeda -- like the Fort Hood shootout mastermind Maj Nidal Hassan -- who have little or no contact with the group itself -- have also succumbed to its hateful ideology and have worked to facilitate or conduct attacks in the United States.

"The core of al Qaeda its leadership based in Pakistan? though severely crippled, still retains the intent and capability to attack the United States and our allies," he said. Brennan said in the face of this ongoing and evolving threat, the Obama Administration has worked to establish a counterterrorism framework that has been effective in enhancing security.

He said among the administration`s core principles are according highest priority to the safety and security of American people and adherance to the rule of law and American values.

"Second, we will use every lawful tool and authority at our disposal. No single agency or department has sole responsibility for this fight because no single department or agency possesses all the capabilities needed for this fight," Brennan said.

"Third, we are pragmatic, not rigid or ideological making decisions not based on preconceived notions about which action seems `stronger`, but based on what will actually enhance the security of this country and the safety of the American people," he said.

Brennan said the administration addresses each threat in a way that best serves the national security interests, including building partnerships with countries around the world.

"... and the principle that guides all our actions, foreign and domestic we will uphold the core values that define us as Americans, and that includes adhering to the rule of law. And when I say `all our actions` that includes covert actions, which we undertake under the authorities provided to us by Congress," he said. "President (Barack) Obama has directed that all our actions even when conducted out of public view remain consistent with our laws and values," Brennan said.

Brennan said Obama has made it clear that the US must reject the false choice between its values and security. "We are constantly working to optimise both. Over the past two and a half years, we have put in place an approach both here at home and abroad that will enable this Administration and its successors, in cooperation with key partners overseas, to deal with the threat from al Qaeda, its affiliates, and its adherents in a forceful, effective and lasting way," he noted.