Hyderabad: The CBI, which is probing the corruption charges against YSR Congress chief Y S Jaganmohan Reddy on Sunday continued to question him as part of his two-day custodial interrogation, that will end in the evening.
CBI officials, who took custody of the Kadapa MP from Chanchalguda Central prison, where he is under judicial custody till June 11, are said to have been grilling him over the "conspiracy that had been detected in foreign countries and had a long trail."
The agency had earlier claimed that Jagan had sent (bribe amounts) abroad and got it re-invested in his firms through hawala-racket. 39-year-old Jagan, as he is popularly known, was arrested on May 27 by the central agency after his three-day intense quizzing at the Dilkusha guest house over alleged investments to the tune of several crore rupees from various individuals and companies into his businesses for the favours granted by the then YSR regime during 2004-09. The CBI, which has already interrogated Jagan during the five-day police custody, was given two more days of custodial interrogation by the Andhra Pradesh High Court on Friday last, after the agency informed the court that it had new material and secured valuable depositions from some witnesses in the case with which it wanted to confront Jagan.
The CBI, in its three charge sheets filed against Jagan and others, said he and his late father had hatched a conspiracy to defraud the government with Jagan influencing Rajasekhara Reddy in doling out certain favours to various investors, who made investments of several crores into Jagan`s businesses (at very high premiums) as a quid-pro-quo basis.