Islamabad: Calling Pakistan a "sham democracy", disgraced nuclear scientist A Q Khan has said that the country`s "elites toe the American line and behave like foreign agents."
In a no holds barred attack on the Pakistani government, Khan voiced his support for the judiciary which is engaged in a bitter tussle with the government over reopening of graft cases in Switzerland against President Asif Ali Zardari.
"Our elites toe the American line and behave like foreign agents. Some have dual nationalities, some have a wife and children with a foreign nationality and there are US sympathisers (or outright agents) in almost every important state institution," Khan said in article published in the News International titled `Bad habits don`t die: Random thoughts`.
He writes that when the discussion of an independent foreign policy comes up, "they create a hue and cry as if the heavens are about to fall. The current inept and corrupt rulers have destroyed the country in every sense of the word. No institution has been left untouched". Mincing no words, he said, "They are as intoxicated with power as a drunkard is with liquor". Khan quotes Lord Acton who said "All power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely".
Khan then adds, "We saw the downfall of Field Marshall Ayub, Gen Yahya, Mr Bhutto, Ms Benazir Bhutto, Mr Nawaz Sharif and Gen Musharraf. All were taken to task by the Almighty. Now it is the turn of the present arrogant, corrupt clique".
He said the current government is "hell bent upon taming or destroying the judiciary. A rubberstamp National Assembly passes anti-Constitution laws that are against public interest merely for the self-serving designs of the rulers..." "While claiming to respect the judiciary, its detractors disobey court orders and ridicule the courts".
"They (judiciary) are not there to save a sham democracy but to provide justice to the people, to safeguard their fundamental rights and to protect the country and its citizens from mala fide laws and legislation," he said.