New Delhi: "Definitely, 100 per cent." This is what Manoj Sharma, the driver of the Israeli Embassy car who was injured in the bomb attack on the vehicle, said when asked whether he would continue to work with the mission.
Sharma, who was injured in Monday`s incident in which three others including a diplomat was wounded, said he is recovering from the shock and that he would be perfectly fine within the next couple of days. "Definitely, 100 per cent," he said when asked whether he would go back and continue his job with the Israeli Embassy.
"No, we are brave people. Nothing like this," he said when asked whether he was scared after the incident.
Recollecting the incident, Sharma said when the vehicle was waiting at the red signal he heard a big sound behind him.
"Since there were vehicles in front, we could not move forward. Suddenly, within the next few seconds the blast took place. At that we all became unconcious and could not realise what was happening around us," he said. Asked whether he saw the biker suspected to be the attacker, he replied in the negative.
"No, I was looking in front. It was not possible for me to look behind. Within a few seconds it was devastation," he said.