Moscow: FIFA have no doubts the Zenit Arena in St Petersburg will be completed in time for the 2018 World Cup after an inspection on Thursday.


"There are no serious problems," ITAR-TASS news agency quoted FIFA inspection committee head Christian Unger as saying after his team toured the construction site of the 70,000-seat venue, which is expected to go into service in May 2016.

"I have no doubts that the venue will be ready in time," Unger said. "I believe it will be one of the best venues in Russia. A perfect arena in a perfect place."

The joint delegation made up of FIFA and Russia 2018 World Cup organising committee representatives are holding their first official inspection visit to the World Cup stadiums through until October 23.

The trip will see the delegation also visiting stadiums in Kazan, Sochi and Moscow, in addition to going over the projects and plans in place for the construction of the remaining World Cup venues.

The joint delegation includes 40 experts from FIFA and local organisers in the areas of designing and building stadiums, preparing and operating competitions, security, transport, logistics, hospitality services, broadcasting, media operations, medical control, staff performance, and marketing and ticketing programmes.