New Delhi: Suicide by farmers for reasons related to agrarian issues have dropped drastically in the current year due to government initiatives, Parliament was told on Friday. A total of 242 suicide by farmers due to agrarian reasons have been reported by different states so far in 2011, Minister of State for Agriculture Harish Rawat said in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha.
During 2010, 657 farmers had taken their lives on this count, while in 2004 the toll was as high as 1,805, the minister added.
Rawat said the drop in casualty has been reported from all the key agri states including Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala which had witnessed large numbers of such tragic incidents in the past.
Andhra Pradesh has reported 42 farmers suicide in 2011 in comparison to 1,181 in 2004 and 152 in 2010.
Similarly, Maharashtra saw 123 suicides due to agrarian cause in 2011, as against 347 in 2004 and 454 last year. While in Karnataka there were 77 such incidents in 2011 vis-a-vis 114 in 2004 and 138 in 2010, the minister said quoting figures received from state governments. Kerala, which had witnessed 163 farmers suicides in 2004, has not reported any such event this year as well last year.
Rawat attributed drastic fall in the incidents to initiatives taken by the government.
He said the Central government implemented Rehabilitation package announced in 2006, initially for 3 years, covering 11 districts of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Maharashtra to address problem of agrarian districts.
An amount of Rs 19,910.70 crore has been released under this package till June 30 this year, he said adding the period of implementation of non-credit components of the package was extended up to September 30.
Among others, the government implemented agricultural debt waiver and debt relief scheme (ADWDRS), 2008 benefitting about 3.69 crore farmers in the country involving Rs 65,318.33 crore, the minister added.