Kabul: As many as 11 Taliban militants have been killed since Sunday during joint operations by Afghan forces and NATO-led coalition troops in the country, authorities said on Monday.
"Afghan National Police (ANP), Afghan National Army, NDS or Afghan intelligence agency and coalition forces launched seven joint clean-up operations in Kabul, Parwan, Kandahar, Helmand and Zabul provinces, killing five armed Taliban insurgents and capturing 14 other suspects over the past 24 hours," a news agency quoted the Afghan interior ministry as saying in a statement. They also found and seized weapons, it added.

At least six other Taliban were also killed during a clash in Kunar province, said a NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) press release. In another development, the joint forces captured a Taliban weapons facilitator in Kandahar province earlier Monday, an ISAF release said.


"The facilitator supplied weapons, ammunition and equipment to insurgents for attacks against Afghan and coalition troops," it added.