Washington: Barack Obama, who celebrated his 51st birthday by playing golf, was gifted fake presents by his party rivals - the Republicans.
“Happy Birthday, Mr President. You Didn’t Bake This,” read frosted blue and yellow words on a cake bearing the President’s face that was delivered to his party’s headquarters by his Republican counterpart on Friday - a reference to Obama’s now-famous “you didn’t build that”, line, which his opponents have seized on, CBS News reported. After responding with a photo of DNC staffers holding a sign next to the cake that read, “Mitt Romney’s approach to the middle class: Let them eat cake,” DNC communications director Brad Woodhouse sent a message on Twitter to the RNC communications director Sean Spicer, “looks like you have too much time on your hands”.
To which Spicer quipped back, “Wish I had enough to play a round of golf - or 10,” in reference to Obama celebrating his birthday by playing a round of golf with friends at Andrews Air Force Base.
Cake wasn’t the only birthday “gift” that his opponents offered him on his special day.
Earlier this week, the opposition party had blasted out a website called “Barack’s Birthday Cards”, where its supporters could select e-cards with gag messages featuring famous Obama backers like actor George Clooney. One card “from Solyndra”, read: “You gave us half a billion taxpayer dollars and all you got was this stupid card.”
But it wasn’t all birthday gags and puns for Obama. On Saturday morning, first lady Michelle sent around a “last call” for supporters to sign a real card for him.
And on Thursday, a Winter Park, Florida crowd sang “Happy Birthday” to him during one of his campaign stop.