Cairo: A close aide of former Egyptian strongman Hosni Mubarak was on Sunday jailed for seven years by a criminal court on charges of corruption.
Zakaria Azmi, who served as the chief of staff during Mubarak`s tenure, was also asked to pay a fine of USD 6.05 million for misusing power to get undue economic benefits, the Ahram Online reported. Known as a powerful and influential figure in Mubarak`s circle, Azmi, who was with the deposed leader since 1989, was detained in April last year and was put on trial in October. The court also fined Azmi`s wife Bahia Halawa of same amount. His brother-in-law, Gamal Halawa, was also sentenced in absentia to a year in prison.

Azmi was considered an influential figure in the presidency and in the now-dissolved National Democratic Party.
He joins a host of former ministers and officials handed jail sentences following a sweeping investigation into corruption allegations after the uprising that ended Mubarak`s three decade rule.
The verdict comes a week before Mubarak himself is due to be sentenced after a trial in which he faced charges of complicity in the killing of protesters during the popular uprising that toppled his regime last year.
Mubarak`s two sons are with him in the case and like their father face corruption charges.