Islamabad: The head of the Pakistani judicial commission investigating al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden`s presence in the country and the covert US raid that killed him said Thursday the panel was close to completing its probe and would submit a "good report" to government in a "few weeks".
"A little work is left and a good report with recommendations will be submitted. We will request the government to publish the report," Javed Iqbal, the retired Supreme Court judge who heads the panel, told a news conference here. He refused to set a deadline for submitting the report but said it would be handed over to the government in a "few weeks".

The government will have the final say in whether the report will be made public, he said. Iqbal dodged a flurry of questions on whether one of the persons killed during the US military raid on a compound in the garrison town of Abbottabad on May 2 was actually bin Laden.


He responded to all such queries by saying that the commission would give its stand on the issue in its report.

"The commission`s report will be comprehensive, specific and relevant to the challenges confronting the country, which provided the context in which this tragic national policy, intelligence and security failure occurred," Iqbal said.
The al Qaeda leader`s widows and children and others found in the compound in Abbottabad had been thoroughly questioned and their statements recorded, he said.