Kabul: NATO says an estimated 200 insurgents were killed or captured in two military operations that just ended in eastern Afghanistan.
German Brigadier General Carsten Jacobson, a spokesman for the US-led coalition in Afghanistan, told reporters on Monday that the operations, which lasted about a week, were led by Afghan security forces with the support of coalition troops. They were aimed at disrupting militant groups, including the al Qaeda and Taliban-affiliated Haqqani network. Jacobson says that at least 20 insurgents with links to Haqqani were among those killed and captured in the operations conducted in provinces south of Kabul and in areas around the capital and in eastern Afghanistan. The forces also seized more than 400 kilograms of explosives, weapons, munitions and computers.
NATO has stepped up its focus on eastern Afghanistan, in areas along the Pakistani border. The al Qaeda and Taliban-linked Haqqani use Pakistan as a safe haven and the US and Afghanistan have urged Islamabad to act against the militants.
Bureau Report