United Nations: UN Human Rights chief Navi Pillay has said there are "no calls" for inquiry into the human rights situation in Kashmir and made it clear that any investigation can be ordered only after India`s consent.
She said the UN Commission for Human Rights, which she heads, is "watching" and "monitoring" the situation in Kashmir.
Replying to questions at a press meet here, Pillay said that so far there have be "no calls" for a full-fledged commission of inquiry into the situation in Kashmir. "My office focusses on Kashmir and the violations there. We have had a number of exchanges of correspondence," she said.
Asked whether the inquiry could be conducted on the lines of Syria, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said that for the UN to order a "commission of inquiry" in Kashmir, consent of the government concerned is required to "let you in." "We can do investigations (in Kashmir) as we have done in Syria by interviewing people outside the country but for a proper investigation, obviously, we would need to be inside the country," she said. PTI