New Delhi: Strengthening its capabilities to carry out special operations, the Navy is planning to procure advanced Integrated Combat System (ICS) for its elite Marine Commandos (MARCOS). The Navy wants the ICS for effective command, control and information sharing to maximise capabilities of individuals and groups of the MARCOS-- the elite special operations unit, while engaging enemies. "We want the ICS to provide enhanced capabilities such as tactical awareness and fighting ability in hostile environment and a network which can enable Group Commanders to remotely monitor and control operations," Navy officials told PTI here.
They said the ICS would help in integrating an individual sailor`s capability of day and night surveillance, ballistic protection, communication and firepower through an integrated network at individual and group level.
Initiating the procurement process through a Request for Information (RFI), Navy`s Directorate of Special Operations and Diving has sought details from global vendors about the ICS, which should have gear for both individual and group uses. The individual equipment required by the Navy in the ICS includes light weight helmets, head-mounted displays, tactical and soft ballistic vests along with communication equipment. The group-level gear requirements include command and control and surveillance systems along with high speed communication equipment.