Tehran: An Iranian warplane crashed on Saturday in the northwestern city of Tabriz without causing casualties, as the Islamic republic conducts military manoeuvres in the area, media reports said.
“An Iranian warplane crashed this morning in Tabriz,” the English-language network Press TV reported, adding that the pilot was able to parachute to safety before impact. “The pilot managed to manoeuvre the plane in a way that no one else was hurt,” the report added, without providing further details.
Fars news agency said the warplane crashed in a square next to an air force base in the city in East Azarbaijan province. The state television website said the aircraft came down after experiencing “technical difficulties” after taking off from Tabriz.
It was not immediately known what type of aircraft was involved in the accident.
Iran is conducting 10 days of “offensive” aerial drills in its northwest, with warplanes flying out of air force bases throughout the country, including in Tabriz.
Bureau Report