New Delhi: The nation-wide bandh called by Opposition against petrol price hike had its echo in Delhi Assembly on Thursday as BJP MLAs created ruckus saying the House cannot function on such a day, prompting Speaker to order their removal and their suspension for three days.
As soon as the House assembled, BJP MLAs wearing robes with anti-government slogans were on their feet shouting slogans "Delhi Bandh is on, Assembly should not function".
The opposition MLAs also demanded immediate withdrawal of the budget proposal of five per cent VAT on CNG.
Shouting slogans, the legislators trooped into the Well of the House and Speaker Yoganand Shastri adjourned the House for 30 minutes as the din continued.
When the House reassembled, the sloganeering continued forcing the Speaker to adjourn it for another ten minutes after his repeated plea for restoring order did not yield any positive result. BJP MLAs again created ruckus and trooped into the well when the House reassembled following which Education Minister Arvinder Singh Lovely moved a proposal to remove them from the House for not allowing it to function.
The proposal was put to voice vote and the BJP MLAs were removed from the house.
Later speaking on the floor of the House, Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit said the bandh called by BJP was a total failure and supporters of the opposition party had forcibly blocked roads in certain areas. "The bandh was a total failure in Delhi. I thank people of Delhi for not supporting the bandh. I spoke to senior police officials and they said only minor incidents have taken place," she said.