Mumbai: Junior archers Sanjay Boro and Atul Verma are all set to get support from the Olympic Gold Quest (OGQ), a not-for-profit organisation co-founded by sports legends Geet Sethi and Prakash Padukone.


The two youngsters would get OGQ's support as part of their junior scholarship programme, said a release here today.

Boro, aged 19, has shown good improvement over the past two years and is the one of the most promising junior archers in the country, having represented the senior team in four tournaments in 2014-15. He also won an individual gold medal at the Asia Cup Stage 2 last month in Bangkok, Thailand.

Verma, 17, has won multiple medals at the national level events and was part of the gold medal winning Uttar Pradesh team at the National Games held in Kerala. He also bagged an individual bronze medal at last year's Youth Olympics in China. He has already represented the senior India team at two Grand Prix events.

The two archers would represent the country at the World Youth Championships, which is scheduled to be held in USA in June.

"One of the endeavours of OGQ is to identify and groom most promising young talents in the country across various sports. Sanjay and Atul are very talented young archers who we have selected after rigorous research. OGQ is supporting them for the long term with an eye on the 2020 and 2024 Olympics," said OGQ's CEO, Viren Rasquinha.

Currently OGQ supports seven senior archers -- Deepika Kumari, Bombayla Devi, Rimil Buriuly, Jayanta Talukdar, Tarundeep Rai, Atanu Das and Rahul Banerjee, while 17-year-old archer Madhu Vedwan is part of the junior scholarship programme, the release said.