Zeenews Bureau
Kathmandu: Nepal’s Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai will tender his resignation by the end of May as part of a deal Nepal`s major political parties reached on Thursday night to form a new national unity government.
All the ministers in Nepal`s coalition government resigned en masse to end the current political deadlock. The top leaders of three major political parties and the Joint Democratic Madhesi Front during a crucial meeting reached a five-point agreement to form a national consensus government to promulgate the Constitution within the May 27 deadline.
Bhattarai will form the new government to include members of the main opposition parties within two days to help draft a new Constitution by the deadline.
Bhattarai`s press adviser Ram Rijan Yadav said: "Once the Constitution process is complete, the Prime Minister will step down and hand over power.”
As per the agreement, Nepali Congress-led government will conduct the Parliamentary Elections within one year after drafting the Constitution.
A new Constitution is a key part of the peace process that began in 2006 after Maoist rebels gave up their armed revolt. Bhim Rawal of the Communist Party of Nepal (United Marxist Leninist), who took part in the negotiations, said the focus would be to complete the first draft of the new Constitution by the deadline.
The agreement and formation of a consensus government is expected to help ease political confusion in the Himalayan nation.
Nepal`s Constituent Assembly was elected in 2008 and given two years to create a new Constitution. Its tenure has been repeatedly extended, but the Supreme Court has ruled that no more extensions are possible.
Bhattarai, deputy leader of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), had formed the government last year with the support of smaller parties in the assembly.
It is still unclear whether the new coalition government will be able to finalise the Constitution by the deadline. The main sticking points include the number of federal states that Nepal would have and who would be the country`s chief executive.
The debate has at times become violent. In the southern town of Janakpur, a bomb killed four people on Monday at a rally where protesters were demanding a separate state.
(With Agencies’ inputs)