NEW DELHI: In the wake of damages caused by Cyclone Ockhi in the southern parts of Tamil Nadu, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday called state Chief Minister Palaiswami and enquired about the situation after the 'deadly' storm, that also hit parts of Kerala. 


The Prime Minister assured CM Palaniswami of all sort of assistance in view of the destruction caused by the cyclone. 

The CM apprised PM Modi of the various relief works taken by the authorities in seven districts of the state. He also listed out steps taken by the government, besides deputing senior ministers and IAS officials to oversee the relief work.

The state will send a report to the Centre seeking funds after carrying out a detailed assessment of the damage caused, he told the Prime Minister.

Kanyakumari and Tirunelveli districts in the state were worst hit by the cyclone.

Cyclone Ockhi, which in Bengali means 'eye', had on Friday intensified into a severe storm and moved to the Arabian Sea. 

The state government said that over 1200 people affected by it and have been lodged in relief camps in the state. 

Meanwhile, At least 1,044 persons in Kanniyakumari have been lodged in 16 relief camps while the number was 205 in two camps in Tirunelveli.

To expedite relief works in worst affected Kanniyakumari district, two NDRF teams and seven of the state disaster response agency have been deputed.

They, along with local officials, were rescuing people on a 'war-footing' from inundated areas, a government release said.