Chennai: Exactly how drunk can one be to not realise that the car he/she is driving is actually not a luxury car but an ambulance? Bizarre isn't it!


A chennai man actually did this. He arrived at a city hospital in his high-end car, left it there and drove home in an ambulance.

Police suspect that he might have mistook the ambulance for his Audi under the influence of alcohol.

The businessman visited the hospital in Thousand Lights area in the wee hours on Sunday to drop his friend who had sustained some injuries.

After leaving him, he drove back in a Maruti Omni ambulance.

The businessman realised his mistake only after reaching home in suburban Palavakkam, about 15 km away when members of his family questioned him about his car, they said.

The man immediately asked his driver to take the ambulance back.

Meanwhile, hospital personnel found that an ambulance was missing and alerted the police.

A local patrol team arrived at the hospital and more or less at the same time the businessman's driver drove in with the missing ambulance.