New Delhi: Search engine giant Google has introduced new Covid-19 safety features in its Maps like transit alerts and driving alerts so that users can be notified well in advance if the route they are taking is impacted by Covid-19 related restrictions or not.


"In our latest release of Google Maps on Android and iOS, we’re introducing features to help you easily find important information if you need to venture out, whether it’s by car or public transportation," Ramesh Nagarajan, Product Management Director, Google Maps Google wrote in a blog. 

The Transit alerts are rolling out in India, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, France, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom and the U.S. where we have information from local transit agencies, with more coming soon, Google said. 

Google has also introduced driving alerts to notify about COVID-19 checkpoints and restrictions along the route, like when crossing national borders (starting first in Canada, Mexico and the U.S.). 

Users can see an alert on the directions screen and after starting navigation if your route is impacted by these restrictions, Google added. 

"When navigating to medical facilities or COVID-19 testing centers, we’ll display an alert reminding you to verify eligibility and facility guidelines to avoid being turned away or causing additional strain on the local healthcare system. Starting this week, alerts for medical facilities will be available in Indonesia, Israel, the Philippines, South Korea, and the U.S., and testing center alerts will be available in the U.S," the blog said.