Apple iPhones are the most premium products sold across the world when it comes to smartphones. That said, a lot of people get lured by it and think of buying it at a cheaper price. Taking advantage of this, many sellers use social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook to sell fake iPhones at a very less price. 


Taking complaints from consumers across the world, Apple has now warned these sellers against counterfeit products and said that they are going to take legal actions against these sellers and they have formed a team to track these things.

This comes in the aftermath of an incident where charging an iPhone turned into a life-threatening task for Andrea Stroppa, a cybersecurity researcher as it exploded after the phone was put into charge. Stroppa later discovered that a counterfeit Apple product was bought through an unofficial channel on Instagram.

Here’s how to identify genuine Apple accessories against the fake ones

A lot of experts revealed that a customer should always check and cross-check the serial number of the product before they buy it and it can only be done by visiting Apple's official website. Apart from that, the real product can also be identified through IEMI number.