Popular messaging platform WhatsApp has come up with two new features for iOS users after getting an update. The first update brings you a better quality of images and video previews and secondly with this update, the users make changes in the Disappearing Messages setting by default.


Besides that, WhatsApp has come up with a new feature that will help in bringing back the disappearing photos feature to both Android and iOS platforms.

The instant messaging app has released a new update on the App Store. The new WhatsApp update for iOS version 2.21.71 will help users to see photos and videos without opening them. 

When it comes to the Disappearing Messages setting, it has been enabled for all participants in a group instead of the admin. But admins can also control the feature by changing the Edit Group Info setting. The new update could be done in a phased manner.

Last year in November, WhatsApp unveiled the Disappearing Messages for Android, iOS, and Linux-based KaiOS devices which after getting enabled will help text to disappear after 7 days.


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