New Delhi: WhatsApp users will be required to agree to the instant messaging app's new Terms and Privacy Policy in the coming year and failing to do so may need you to delete your account, as per reports.


As spotted by WABetaInfo, a website that tracks WhatsApp, the Facebook-owned company will reportedly update their terms of service starting February 8, though date are subject to change. If WhatsApp users do not want to agree to the new privacy rules, they may as well delete their account.

"By tapping Agree, the user accepts the updated Terms of Service and he can continue to use the app, that will take effect on February 8, 2021 (note: this date may be subject to change). If you don’t agree the changes, you can delete your WhatsApp account within WhatsApp Settings. Updated Terms of Service will be announced in the coming weeks," WABetaInfo wrote.

WABetaInfo further said that the WhatsApp new terms explains the main focus of the update on how WhatsApp processes your data and also how businesses can use Facebook hosted services to store and manage their WhatsApp chats.

Those announcements won’t be sent in the form of a chat, but they will appear as a particular in-app banner that can redirect to external websites or they can require a specific user action.

WABetaInfo also added, "Those announcements won’t be sent in the form of a chat, but they will appear as a particular in-app banner that can redirect to external websites or they can require a specific user action."