New Delhi: Kundali Bhagya’s actress Shraddha Arya got married to beau and naval-based officer, Rahul Sharma on Tuesday (November 16) at Andaz By Hyatt Hotels, Aerocity, Delhi IGI. The ceremony was attended by the couple's family and close friends. Shraddha looked beautiful in a red lehenga with heavy traditional jewellery including a huge nose ring, red bangles and maang tikka. Rahul wore a white sherwani with red pagdi. The beautiful bride dons the brightest smile in all the pictures.


Check out their photos and videos:



Shraddha entered the wedding venue with her girlfriends and sisters by her side.

During the morning of the wedding day (November 16) Haldi ceremony took place and Shraddha wore a beautiful yellow outfit for the same.


Shraddha’s close friends from the industry like Anjum Fakih and Neha Adhvik Mahajan also attended the wedding festivities in Delhi.