New Delhi: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan's popular reality show 'Bigg Boss' season 10 will be telecasting its grand finale on Sunday night. In the tenth edition of the television program, commoners Manu Punjabi and Manveer Gurjar, beauty queen Lopamudra Raut and celebrity participant Bani J will be locking horns against each other for the winner's spot.


All the four contestants have undergone a stunning makeover for the final episode. They will also be charming audiences by performing to popular tracks. A lot of TV and B-Town stars will be joining the finalists and taking the celebratory spirit ahead.

Interestingly, all the four contestants are garnering humongous support on the Internet. Their friends and families are running multiple campaigns to collect votes. Now, it would be really interesting to see who actually bags the title. India's decision will be revealed on Sunday night.

Excited much?

The "Dabangg" star will perform to his songs "Mera Hi Jalwa", "Aaj Ki Party" alongside evicted contestants Gaurav Chopraa, Rohan Mehra, Monalisa, Nitibha Kaul, Lokesh Kumari and Navin Prakash not only on-stage, but also inside the controversial house.

Enjoying and celebrating the success of his recently released film "Kaabil", Hrithik along-with co-actress Yami Gautam will shake a leg with the finalists inside the Bigg Boss house.

'Bigg Boss', an Indian version of international series 'Celebrity Big Brother', features people locked inside a house for three months under constant camera surveillance.

So, who do you think deserves the winner's title this season?

(With PTI inputs)