A fantasy drama around the lives of three siblings – Charmed S2 features three siblings unite as one unleashing their real 'power of three'. Set in the fictional town of Hilltown, Michigan, the series opens with sisters Mel, the social justice warrior, and the fun-loving Maggie who live with their mother Marisol.


However, an unknown dark force takes the life of their beloved mother, reuniting the siblings with their third sister Macy. Together, they suddenly exhibit impossible new abilities: Mel can freeze time, Maggie starts hearing others' thoughts and Macy has telekinetic powers, only to realize that they are originally powerful witches, just as their mother. As the trio joins forces, the second season features the sisters embrace their new duty to protect all humankind and their ultimate fight for vengeance.

Witness the terrific trio, stronger than ever before with Charmed S2, weekends at 7 PM, as part of Along With The US on Zee Café