Lucknow: Two ministers of Uttar Pradesh conducted surprise inspections on their offices on Monday morning, only to find many late comers.


Agriculture Minister Surya Pratap Shahi got angry after he found a large number of officials missing in the morning hours and got the Krishi Bhawan building here locked.

On the other hand, Minister of State for Minority Affairs and Waqf, Mohsin Raza, too found many late comers and has asked for a report.

When Shahi, a veteran Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader, conducted a surprise inspection at around 10 am at the agriculture directorate on Madan Mohan Malviya Marg, he flew into rage upon seeing empty chairs and vacant office chambers.

Officials told IANS that as many as 30 percent employees had not turned up for work.

Following this, the Minister asked senior bureaucrats to ensure that one day's salary of all the absentee officials and workers was deducted. 

Minister of State Raza also conducted a surprise inspection at his office and came down heavily when he found many employees missing.

When the minister found that in most vacant chambers, air-conditioners and fans were on, he sought an explanation from the officials on what he termed as wastage of energy. 

He also asked officials to give him a report on the late arrivals.

Watch the video of Raza conducting the inspection below: