Delhi: Vada Pav Girl`s Video With Rs 1 Crore Ford Mustang Goes Viral; What We Know

Written By Bhavya Singh | Last Updated: May 08, 2024, 11:10 AM IST | Source: Zee News

Chandrika Dixit, the notorious "Vada Pav Girl" of Delhi, is back in the news and causing a stir with her current antics. Dixit, who is well-known for being frank, recently expressed her annoyance at having to park her truck and got into heated arguments, which caused quite a stir in the community. But the thing that has everyone's attention is her most recent viral video, which shows off her elegant ride in a Ford Mustang that costs around Rs. 1 million. In a string of Instagram videos, Dixit exits the opulent vehicle and walks into a shop to get her most valuable items—an Apple Watch, an iPhone 15 Pro, and AirPods. One video seemed to be a straightforward commercial piece, but the other gave a hint about something bigger that was maybe in the works.


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