Haryana Police arrests Nuh Violence accused Bittu Bajrangi

Written By Zee Media Bureau | Last Updated: Aug 16, 2023, 09:39 AM IST | Source: Zee News

Bittu Bajrangi Arrest: Finally, Bittu Bajrangi, accused of Nuh violence, has been arrested. Tawdu's CIA team has taken him into custody from Faridabad. The CIA unit of the police has caught him from here. Bittu Bajrangi was first detained and then arrested. This is the same Bittu Bajrangi who had posted many provocative posts on social media before the Brajmandal Shobhayatra during the Nuh violence.A nominated FIR was registered against Bittu Bajrangi and there was apprehension for a long time that his arrest could be done soon. For now, he has been caught. Regarding the Nuh violence, the police can make him reveal many secrets.


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