Investigation intensifies in Bangladesh MP Death Case

Written By Zee Media Bureau | Last Updated: May 27, 2024, 10:28 AM IST | Source: Zee News

Bangladesh MP Death Update: While the investigation agency in Kolkata is searching for the body parts of Bangladesh MP, investigation agency of Bangladesh has also come to India. The search is on for every piece of evidence related to the secret of the heinous murder. Meanwhile, Kasai Jihad has made such shocking revelations that the accused drank four bottles of liquor that day to carry out this heinous murder, after killing the MP in the afternoon, he brought the body to the bathroom at night, where That night, he kept cutting the MP's body into pieces by spreading plastic and drinking alcohol, as if he was making mincemeat. Not only this, cotton was also used to dispose of the body, so that the blood would not flow out. Can be cleared..


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