Rajneeti: What is the issue of 2024... employment or `demon`?

Written By Sonam | Last Updated: Mar 21, 2024, 22:12 PM IST | Source: Zee News

Lok Sabha Election 2024: Why do echoes of abuses start being heard as the election season approaches? Is the issue of 2024 employment or 'Asur' and Aurangzeb? There has been a tradition of respecting each other in the politics of our country, then why is the politics of abusive words happening? Now we are going to start our discussion on these questions. With us are BJP spokesperson Shazia Ilmi and Congress spokesperson Surendra Rajput. First of all, I want to tell both of you leaders that you will get two minutes each to present your views. Let's start with the opposition, Surendra Rajput, present your side.


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