Taal Thok Ke: Radhika Kheda cornered the central government on farmers` movement

Written By Zee Media Bureau | Last Updated: Feb 29, 2024, 20:22 PM IST | Source: Zee News

The countdown for Lok Sabha elections has started. In such a situation, earlier MATRIZE has conducted an opinion poll for ZEE NEWS. This opinion poll was conducted after the formation of both the alliances and just after the Rajya Sabha elections. This opinion poll was conducted between February 5 and February 27. In the opinion poll of Zee News, NDA is expected to get 377 seats. At the same time, India Alliance seems to be limited to 94 seats. Congress spokesperson Radhika Kheda said that while farmers are protesting on the streets, the government is confiscating passports of farmers instead of talking.


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