Hyderabad, Aug 30: The Andhra Pradesh Assembly on Wednesday witnessed uproarious scenes with Opposition Congress, CPM and Majlis members stalling the question hour, demanding an immediate discussion on the police firing on demonstrators in the ''Chalo Assembly'' programme here on Monday. After Congress members trooped into the well of the House and surrounded the podium shouting “we want justice”, Speaker K. Pratibha Bharathi assured that she would allow all members to express views during the discussion on the issue after the question hour. But her repeated appeals to resume their seats went unheeded. Opposition members also ignored the appeals of state ministers Y. Ramakrishnudu and P. Ashok Gajapathi Raju to resume their seats. Ramakrishnudu said rules did not permit any member to obstruct the question hour. Leader of the Opposition Y.S. Rajashekar Reddy said a discussion on the issue was more important as innocent demonstrators were shot “like birds” by the police during the agitation. After more than an hour of commotion, the Speaker announced that all questions listed for the day were deemed to have been answered. The House later took up for discussion the police firing issue. —UNI