Welcoming Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee's trip to Washington, a top Republican Congressman has called for lifting remaining US sanctions against India. “India is surrounded by a lot of troubled neighbours and hence the sanctions may prove counterproductive. I think that there is an open mind both within the Congress and the administration to be of some help in terms of easing the sanctions,” Benjamin Gilman, chairman of the powerful House International Relations Committee, said. The Congress on Thursday passed a resolution sponsored by Gilman and Democratic Congressman Sam Gejdenson that called for lifting of all the remaining sanctions against India, coinciding with Vajpayee's visit to Washington. Democratic Congressman Jim McDermott, in a separate statement said Vajpayee's address to Congress deepened the bond between the US and India.
“We have a great deal in common with India – our commitment to democracy and law, our economic prosperity, our tradition of religious freedom. But perhaps the most important ties between us are the Indian-American citizens who have enriched this country beyond measure,” he said. “There are over 1.5 million Indian-Americans, and they are one of the most successful immigrant groups in the history of the country,” he said.
Bureau Report