It is the Pakistani lie uncovered! There is comprehensive evidence, as proved by an explosive report compiled by the Home Ministry of India, that it has been extending training in warfare, infiltration and advanced weaponry to militants in PoK, Pakistan and in Afghanistan throughout the last decade. The bruised Pakistani ego in Kargil has forced the ISI cobble together a force of upto 5000 highly motivated, fundamentalist cadres to spread terror in India. More chilling facts are brought to light in this explosive report to which Akrita Reyar of was given access. Click here to find out facts based on interviews conducted by Indian Intelligence and maps that detail the ground movement of terrorist outfits. Conceived in the late 80’s, the “bleed-India” policy was the brainchild of President General Zia-ul-Haq. Convinced that India could not be taken on by mere military prowess, Pakistan decided to undertake proxy war tactics. The idea was to keep needling India and eventually bleed it white, slowly and steadily. The programme was left to be executed by Pakistan intelligence agency - Inter Service Intelligence (ISI). Patronised by the Pakistani authorities, madrasa culture merrily multiplied and reached its logical conclusion when the jehadis inspired by the concept of Islamic ummah spilled over to Afghanistan under the banner of Taliban. They now control over 90% of the Afghan nation. More than a decade after the seed of jehadi terrorists was sown in Pakistani soil, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Pakistan-Occupied-Kashmir continue to be the breeding ground of the fanatic fighters, waging a war against India. A second factor, of no less importance, is the economics of it all. Rendered unemployed by unstable conditions in Afghanistan, crippling economy of Pakistan, and complete lack of development (a conscious Pakistan policy), a huge mass of youth finds militancy a lucrative career. All militants are paid about Rs 5000/- per month and are ensured that their families will be looked after, in case they are killed in operations. Anywhere between Rs 1-10 lac is paid to the families of the deceased militant. The amount is a small fortune for a rural family. To make the attack even more effective, a price has been fixed to kill an Indian soldier or officer. The head of a Lieutenant Colonel can fetch Rs 50,000/- and a brigadier Rs 1 lakh. As of today, about 14 terrorist outfits exist. Most among them periodically come to the scene and then disappear. The three groups that are most active in the valley currently are: Hizbul Mujahideen: This is the only outfit with maximum indigenous representation. It is also the largest group operating in the Valley at the moment. Formed in late 1989, it was raised by Pakistan to fight JKLF. It is headed by Syed Salahuddin and has an approximate strength of 885 -1000. This is the group that has lately been making overtures for peace and had announced a ceasefire on July 24. The offer was however subsequently withdrawn on Aug 8. Lashkar-e-Toiba: This is one of the most fanatic groups and has a predominantly foreign cadre. Formed during the Afghan crisis in early 80’s, it started operations in J&K in 1993. Prof Hafeez Mohammed Saeed is its head and the group’s estimated strength is between 370-465. Jaish-e-Mohammed: This group is the most recent entrant in the Valley. Headed by the Maulana Masood Azhar (of the hijacking crisis fame), this group is the blue-eyed boy of the ISI these days. Many small and big groups operating in J&K including Hizbul Mujahidden have merged with this outfit. It may soon emerge as the biggest group with strength of upto 5000 cadre. The other groups include: Tehriq-e-Jehad : Raised in March 1997 by the ISI, its cadre mainly comprise retired army personnel. Approximate strength – 115-130. Leader: Farooq Ahmed Quereshi. Al Barq : Predominantly a Gujjar outfit, it was established in 1991. Approximate Strength – 50-60. Leader: Bilal Rahi. Al Jehad: Formed in 1974, it was the armed wing of People’s League. Has approximately 40 militants under its wing under Parvez Haider and Moin Zaffair. Jamait-ul-Mujahideen : Formed in 1989. Has an approximate strength of 50-75 and has Peer Saidul, Islam Abu and Rafiq Abu as its main leaders. Tehrik-ul-Mujahideen : Formed in 1990, it is sponsored by the royal family of Saudi Arabia. Its approximate strength is 60 and is headed by Adil Rehman. Al Umar : Formed in 1989, it is a fairly small group of 20. It is headed by Manjoor Ahmed Ganai. Al Badr : Formed in 1998, its estimated strength is between 115 – 140. It is headed by Mohd Fazl. Muslim Majahideen : Formed in 1993, it has an estimated strength of 15 and is headed by Bilal Siddiquee. Islamic Front: Its estimated strength is 20 and is headed by Bilal Beg. JKNLA: Formed in 1998, it is the militant wing of JKLF. It has 20 miltants under its wing and is headed by Rafiq Dar. Al Fateh: Its estimated strength is 25 and is headed by Ajaz Redhamani The terrorist camps that have been used for training militants over the last decade in Pakistan, PoK and Afghanistan are listed at the end of the story along with corresponding maps. Also mentioned within brackets is the time period during which the particular camp was functional. The only country that could have maintained the menace was the United States of America. Too entangled in its war against communist USSR in Afghanistan, USA chose to look away. USA began to feel the pinch when the Islamic armies turned their ire on America and bombed the New York Trade Centre, its embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and killed US citizens in Pakistan. The situation however seems to have slipped out of the US control. Measures like bombing of Afghanistan and putting pressure on Pakistan to choke terrorist finance lines have not helped. Terrorist operations have, by now, become more or less self-sustaining with drug trafficking and gun running bringing in big bucks. While the policy may have served the short term Pakistani interest, Islamic terrorism has become a Frankenstein monster. One which even Pakistan finds itself unable to control. And could well make Pakistan a prisoner of its own device. The numbers in the maps that are below correspond to these places: Pakistan Occupied Kashmir : 1. Aliabad(July-Aug88), 2. Amina(Jan93,Jul94), 3. Arza(Jan-Jul89), 4. Ashkot(Jul-Aug93), 5. Athmuqam(Mar-Apr90), 6. Badali(Jan93,Jul94), 7. Bagh(Feb89,Sep93), 8. Bakrel(‘98), 9. Banahhatar(Jul-Aug93), 10. Bandi(Apr-May90), 11. Bandi(Chater)(Jan93-Jul94) 12. Bandi Hajeera(’88), 13. Batal(Jul94), 14. Bhattika(Jan93-Jul94), 15. Bhatpora(May-Jun89), 16. Bhimber(May88,Jul95), 17. Buthi Camp(May91), 18. Chahala(’98), 19. Chalkote(Apr-May90), 20. Charoi(Jan93,Jul94), 21. Chamb(Jan93,Jul94), 22. Chattar(Jan93,Jul94), 23. Chikar(Apr-May90), 24. Chilan(Apr-May90), 25. Chinari(Jun-Jul88), 26. Churohi(Jan93,Jul94), 27. Dhani(Mar-Apr90), 28. Dehlra(jan94,Jul94), 29. Devlian(’97), 30. Dhudnial(May-Jun95), 31. Domel(Jan90,Sep90), 32. Dongri(Jan-May90), 33. Dhudhal Mirpur(Jan92), 34. Dungi(Jan93,Jul94), 35. Eftabad(Sep92), 36. Fatehpur(Jan93,Jul94), 37. Garhi Dupatta(Mar90-93), 38. Gaso Pan Domel(jan93,Jul94), 39. Gilgit(Aug-Sep89), 40. Gojra Fort(Jun-July89), 41. Gulpur(Jan93,Jul94), 42. Gultari(Sep90), 43. Hajira(Jun-Jul89), 44. Hatian(94), 45. Holland Jungle(May88), 46. Jabakhan(Jan94), 47. Jatta,Mirpur(Jul95) 48. Jari Khas(May-Jun89), 49. Jhallan(No-Dec90), 50. Jungle Mangle Camp(98), 51. Kamri(Aug-sep88), 52. Kamsar(Jan93,Jul94), 53. Kanchhatra(Apr90), 54. Kel(Jun-Jul88), 55. Kharian(Jan94), 56. Khitera(jan93,Jul94) , 57. Kholean(Jan93,Jul94), 58. Khuiratta(May89-98), 59. Kotli(JKLF)(May89-Jul94), 60. Kotli(Al Muj)(Aug94-97), 61. Lassa Danna(Jan93,Jul94), 62. Lahabadpur(Feb-Mar89), 63. Leswa(Jul-Aug89), 64. Lipa Valley(Jun-Jul88), 65. Lipa Valley(Chani Nakot)(’98) 66. Loat(Jul-Aug93), 67.Mangbajri(May-Jun89), 68.Mansar Camp(Jul-Aug88), 69. Mirpur Town(May88,Jan94), 70. Muaskar-e-Aksa(’94), 71-76. Muzzafarabad(Dapi Jail(Jul93), Jei School(Jan-May90), Madina Mkt(May-Jun89), Makadi Camp(Jan-May90), Match Fact.(Sept-Oct90), Shokat Lane(Jan93-98)), 77. Nandgail(Jan93,Jul94), 78. Neelam Valley(Jan93-Jul94), 79. Nikial(Jan93-97), 80. Palandri(Apr-May89), 81. Puni Tander(Apr-May89), 82. Rakkar(Jan93,Jul94), 83. Rangla(,98), 84. Rawalakot(May88-Jul94), 85. Ruda(Jan93-Jul94), 86. Sarsawa(Jan93-98), 87. Sensa(Sep92-Jul95), 88. Sharian Chettyaar(Aug-Sep91), 89. Shikara Camp(Sept92-Jul95), 90. Shimani(Jul95), 91. Siot(Aug-Sept89) Afghanistan: 1.Al Badar(Jul93-98), 2.Asadabad(Sep-Oct92), 3.Chehrabagh(‘93-94), 4.Ghazni(Mar-Apr90), 5.Hekmatyar Camp(Aug-Sep91), 6.Jaibar(93-94), 7.Jalalbad(93-97), 8.Kabul(94), 9.Kandhar(94), 10.Kantara(93-94), 11.Khalid Markaz(Aug-Sep91), 12.Khost(Multan)(94-97), 13.Kunar(92-93), 14.Markaz-e-Taiba(90-94), 15.Pakhtia(Paktya)(Mar90), 16.Pashshad(Kunar)(Aug94-98), 17.Pharsi Gund(Jul93), 18.Sakanar(Jan-May90), 19.Shalfia Markaz(Aug-Sep91), 20.Tremangal(93-94), 21.Yawar(93-98) Pakistan: 1.Abbottabad(Aug-Sep 88), 2.Alipur Chatha(Mar-Apr 89), 3.Attock(Apr88, Jan93), 4.Awan Sharief(Jul’95-96), 5.Ayubia Camp(Jan-May 90), 6. Bajaur(Jan-Feb90), 7. Battal(‘94), 8.Chakwal(Aug-Sep 89), 9.Chirat Fata(Jan93, Jul94), 10.Dera Gazi Khan(May 90), 11.Dera Ismail Khan(May90-96), 12.Elaqa Gair(Miram Shah) (Jan93-Mar97), 13.Fatehjang(Jan-May90), 14.Ganjo Takkar(Hyderabad) (Jan93,Jul94), 15.Gari Habibullah(Jun-Sep90), 16.Gujranwala(June86-96), 17.Gujrat(Jan-Feb90), 18.Gujrat(The Falia)(Jan-May90), 19. Hasalpur(Multan) (93-May94), 20.Hyderabad(Jan93-98), 21.Isa Khel(May89), 22.Islamabad(near air base) (Jan90-98), 23. Jabori(May-June89), 24.Jabri(near Lora) (Sep90), 25.Jhari(hospital camp) (May-Jun88), 26.Jhelum(July-Aug89), 27.Kahuta(Jan-May90), 28. Kakul(July-Aug89), Karachi(29.Bandar Road(May-June88), 30.Hazi camp(Jan93-July94), 31Maskan(Jan93-July94)), 32.Khost(Mar90-98), 33.Kohal(Jan-May90), 34.Kohat(July90), 35.Kotli(July89-96), 36.Lahore(May-Jun89), Lahore(37.Fiu House(Jan-May90), 38.Gulbarg(Jul88), 39.Rainawala(Jan-May90)), 40.Landi Kotal(Jun 89), 41.Larkana(Jun93,Jul94), 42.Magshera Forest(Mar90-98), 43.Mansura Multan(Jan93-Jul94), 44. Mardan(Jan 93-Jul94), 45.Muree(Aug88-98), 46.Narowal(Jan93,Jul94), 47.Naqibabad Forest(Jan93-96), 48.Oghi Village(93-94), 49.Ojheri Camp(May-Jun89), 50. Pabbi Forest(Jan-Jul94), 51. Para Chinar(Jan 90), 52. Planchi(Apr-May89), 53. Peshawar(Jun88-96), 54. Quetta(Jan93-96), 55.Rawalpindi(Aug-96), Rawalpindi(56.Chandni Chowk(Aug-Sep89), 57.Chaklala(Oct90), 58.Fatehabad(Feb-Mar90), 59.Musum Town9May90)), 60.Saidgali(May-Jun89), 61.Sargodha(May-Jun88), 62.Shaukat(Jun-Aug91), 63.Shekhupura(Apr-May89), 64.Shinkiari(May-Jun88), 65.Sialkot(May88-98), 66.Tando Alaiya(Jan93,Jul94), 67.Trubella(May-Sep94), 68.Thal(May-Apr90), 69.Thandiani(May 90), 70.Thang(May-Jun89), 71.Uthal(Jan-Feb90), 72.Warsak(Jul-Aug89)


