Zeenext Bureau Bangalore, Aug 24: Kannada mega star Rajkumar’s release will be further delayed as brigand Veerappan has sought clarification on the steps taken by the Tamil Nadu and Karnataka governments over his demands. Karnataka Chief Minister S.M. Krishna said late on Thursday night that Veerappan had sent two videotapes – one with a message from Rajkumar and the other with the brigand seeking clarification. Krishna, along with Home Minister Mallikarjuna Karge, will leave for Chennai on Friday to hold talks with his counterpart M. Karunanidhi. Rajkumar, in the videotape, has appealed to his fans and the people of Karnataka to remain calm. He has urged the film industry to resume work, which has come to a standstill for the past more than 20 days in the wake of his abduction. The film industry is incurring more than Rs 3 crore losses everyday.