Kabul: After the last US troop left Afghanistan, the Taliban intensified its violent activities and started capturing the major cities of Afghanistan. After the Taliban captured the major provinces, Afghan diplomats including President Ashraf Ghani flee from the country leaving the citizens in chaos.


Terrified citizens of Afghanistan are desperate to leave the country as it is evident that the Taliban's rule will only make their life miserable. However, Pandit Rajesh Kumar, the last Hindu priest of the Rattan Nath temple, has decided not to leave the country despite being offered help.

The priest reportedly said that he could not leave the temple as his ancestors had served the mandir for hundreds of years. A Twitter user Bhardwaj shared Rajesh Kumar's story on the micro-blogging site "Some Hindus have urged me to leave Kabul & offered to arrange for my travel and stay. But my ancestors served this Mandir for hundreds of years. I will not abandon it. If Taliban kills me, I consider it my Seva," said Pandit Rajesh Kumar.

Taliban insurgents took over Kabul on Sunday (August 15) after the US-backed Afghan government collapsed and President Ghani fled the country, bringing an unprecedented end to a two-decade campaign in which the US and its allies had tried to transform the war-torn country. 

ALSO READ: In new twist to Afghanistan crisis, former vice president Amrullah Saleh says he will never bow to Taliban

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