Mumbai: Bizarre things happen on the streets and something similar happened in China's Zhejiang province recently.  A man driving a three-wheeler was spotted carrying a black sedan car placed on his vehicle.


The small vehicle hit the street with the big car mounted on it. The car was reportedly ten times heavier than the three-wheeler.

It looked dangerous and could have proved fatal not just for the one who was driving but others on the street.

His daredevilry made him dig deep into his pocket. He violated traffic rules and ended up incurring a huge loss after he was asked to pay a fine of 1300 Yuan (Rs. 13, 605) and extra for transportation penalty.

According to a report in South China Morning Post, the man was carrying the car on his vehicle to save some money instead of hiring a towing van. He had bought the car for 800 Yuan (Rs. 8372) and was on his way to the scrap recycling plant.