Mumbai: From using viral memes to Bollywood stills, Mumbai Police always comes up with something quirky to warn the citizens with the help of its social media accounts. In the same lead, Mumbai Police shared a post that will give all 'Potter heads' a definite cheer. This time Mumbai Police shared a still of a scene from 'Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets movie where Ron Weasley gets a howler from his mother Molly for stealing the flying family car. 


Mumbai Police captioned the post “The mask’s hoping to do some good in the world” with a text that read "If you put another toe out of the house without a mask, then you'll bring the virus straight home!" which you might want to read in Molly Weasley's voice. Not only the post but the hashtags used are also on the 'Harry Potter' point.

Mumbai Police shared this post on Instagram and Twitter on July 31 and it gained more than 9,700 likes and comments: “The admin is definitely a Potterhead,” “I can hear the scream after that howler.”