New Delhi: A giant terrifying crocodile named Osama Bin Laden has not only frightening for children but also for adults for decades. Osama, the Nile crocodile who is said to be 75 years old, resides in Uganda's Lake Victoria.


This giant reptile is 16ft-long and it wiped out nearly one-tenth of the population in the small village of Luganga between 1991 and 2005. The reports suggest that till now, Osama has eaten over 80 locals in the village.

According to the Daily Star reports, this horrifying animal used to snatch children as they came to take some water at the shore of the lake or swim beneath fishing boats and purposefully capsize them.

At one point, Osama started to jump into fishermen's wooden vessels before carrying off people to kill them.

Terrifying incidents:

As per reports, the tattered clothing of a local fisherman was discovered floating on the water who one of the victims of Osama's attacks.

Another man witnessed and survived an attack by the fearsome reptile, but his brother was not so lucky.

Paul Kyewalyanga told Sydney Morning Herald that he was rowing in the back of his boat as his brother Peter fished from the front when Osama leapt in and snatched him.

Paul Kyewalyanga said, “Osama just emerged from the water vertically and flopped into the boat. The back of the boat where I was sitting was submerged.”

He tried helping but the crocodile had latched onto Peter’s leg with his giant jaws and began to pull at him, trying to get him into the water.

Paul added, “Peter was clutching the side screaming. They fought for about five minutes until I heard a tearing sound. Peter shouted, ‘He’s broken my leg.’ Then he let go and was dragged into the lake. A few days later we found his head and his arm.”

In 2005, the Villagers started asking for help and the humongous crocodile was captured with the help of 50 local men and wildlife officials.

Some people wanted to kill the reptile, but wildlife officials told villagers they could not kill the beast "with impunity".

So, the reptile was given to the owners of Uganda Crocs to be used in their breeding program.

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