A video of a couple making out on a moving bike has gone viral in Rajasthan's Ajmer. In the video, the woman is sitting on the petrol tank facing the man. Right-wing organisations have demanded strict action in this case after the video went viral. The video is said to be from Monday night, the couple was going from Ajmer towards Pushkar. Police started the investigation after the video went viral and seized the bike. The rider was charged with violating IPC sections 336, 279, and 294 by Ajmer’s Christian Ganj police station. The owner of the bike was also traced on the basis of the video.


Vishwa Hindu Parishad leaders said that by spreading such obscenity openly, they are spoiling the atmosphere of the city. On the other hand, the leaders of Bajrang Dal say that it is not right to do this in Sanatan culture.

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The pair came under fire from internet users for their reckless behaviour and the risk it presents to other vehicles.

Similar incidents of bike-riding couples making out in public have been reported from Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh and Chhattisgarh's Durg.