As many in Canada were enjoying a fireball lighting up the night sky, a woman from British Columbia province claimed a near-death experience involving a meteroite. According to a report by The Golden Star, Ruth Hamilton was sleeping through the night in her home when a meteorite crashed through the roof and landed on her bed just next to her. 


The sound of the crash woke her up and she felt the sensation of the debris on her face. Scared and confused, Hamilton jumped out of bed and switched on the lights to find a rock neatly sitting on her pillow next to where her head had been. “I just jumped up and turned on the light, I couldn’t figure out what the heck had happened,” said Hamilton to The Golden Star. The incident occured on October 4.

Hamilton called 911, unsure of what to do next, a police officer arrived on the scene, and it was soon ruled out that the rock had not ended up at her house from the ongoing construction in the Kicking Horse Canyon. The only other explanation was that a meteorite had come through her roof.

“I was shaking and scared when it happened, I thought someone had jumped in or it was a gun or something. It’s almost a relief when we realized it could only have fallen out of the sky,” she said.

Luckily for Hamilton, the damage to her roof will covered by the insurance company though the company will check to see if roof holes caused by space debris are covered.