When a bride enters her in-law's place for the first time after marriage, usually in India there's a entourage waiting to welcome her. From her parents-in-law, brothers/sisters-in-law to extended family, everyone is there to welcome the new bride. Sometimes, even neighbours join in to welcome the woman as she enters her new home. But sometimes, if there's no one to welcome her or the welcome is less than grand, the woman often feels bad. In a video that's now going viral on social media, an angry new bride reacted in a way that no one really would have fathomed.


It's no mean task to calm down an angry bride. This particular bride can be seen fuming as she reached her in-laws' place. While people, including her mother-in-law, try to convincer her to let go of her anger, she takes an extreme route! The video shows the bride placing a ladder and climbing a roof which otherwise has no staircase. The groom desperately tries to stop her, but in vain!




Not only this, after she climbs the ladder and reaches the roof of the house, she pushes the ladder away. From below, the whole family including the groom, keep trying hard to persuade her to clam down but the angry woman refuses to back down. The video has taken the internet by storm with netizens having a field day at the expense of the newlyweds!

Social media was also flooded with response, and most netizens seemed to be in splits.


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