Kolkata: The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) on Thursday clashed with West Bengal police which used baton charge and fired tear gas shells to disperse the protesting mob who tried to march to the venue of the state cabinet meeting in Darjeeling.


To gain control of the rioting agitator, two columns, each comprising of 80 men, were deployed in the hills after the mob turned violent and vandalised government property and causing injuries to government staff in the hills. 

Earlier today, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee had asked the Narendra Modi-led central government to deploy Indian Army in Darjeeling after a massive protest broke out in the state city.

The army was called in by the Mamata government after the West Bengal Police failed to control the situation as thousands of GJM supporters clashed with the police and set fire to their vehicles, government bus and attacked the police with stones and bottles.

Chief minister Mamata Banerjee and her ministers were only a kilometer away after she held the first cabinet meeting in the hills after a gap of 45 years.

As many as four police vehicles have been set on fire by the protesters. The police resorted to massive lathi charge and fired tear gas shells to disperse the violent mob; however, the GJM supporters did not relent and continued the violent protest. 

The violence has left thousands of tourists in a lurch in the peak season.

The GJM called the violent protest after the Chief Minister announced that Bengali has to be compulsorily taught to students up to class 10 in schools in Bengal.

According to another report, the outfit has called for an indefinite strike in the hills from Friday. 

On Tuesday, the GJM had organized a rally here to protest against Mamata's visit to the hills.

Bimal Gurung leads the rally. GJM supporters gathered in front of the Bhanubhakt Bhawan and shouted the slogan "Go back Mamata."

The GJM is demanding a separate state for Gorkhas, which they call Gorkhaland.